The rates for all memberships will be as follows:
Regular $25.00
Family $40.00
Junior $15.00
Sponsor $100.00
Life $400.00
Why should you join the United Bowhunters of New Jersey, when the cost of bowhunting is already so high?
You should join because you care about the future of bowhunting in New Jersey. Because you would rather be a part of the effort to maintain our rights, as opposed to being part of the reason we someday lose our rights. Because you know like our forefathers knew, we must stand together for what we believe in and love. We are the people who care, the people who make a difference, and the people who will fight to preserve our bowhunting heritage for future generations.
But we can't do it alone; we need your help, your support. We need our membership numbers to be as high as possible, so we can represent New Jersey's bowhunters with the loudest, strongest voice possible. We need the small amount of dues that we collect to finance the tireless battle against anti-hunters, for lobbying the Legislature to win gains for New Jersey's bowhunters, for the materials and paperwork needed to make presentations to Communities and Townships to open new lands to bowhunting. The organization is run by volunteers who give many hours of their time for the good of all bowhunters. All we ask for in return is that the active membership rolls of UBNJ grow upward into the tens of thousands. That is not an unrealistic goal with the amount of bow licenses that are sold in New Jersey each year.
These are some of our achievements over the years:
- Responsible for getting many zones in NJ open for the early Bow Season!
- First NJ conservation organization to get organizational license plates!
- Raise money to support the UBNJ's charity; "Hunt of a Lifetime". (Hunts donated to children with life threatening illnesses). We have raised over $40,000 for this worthy cause.
- Gained access to dozens of locations for our members to hunt
- Hold 3-D shoots for NJ archers; one a large yearly Jamboree!
- Defeated legislation that would ban the use of broadheads
- Wrote legislation to allow Sunday bowhunting for all seasons
- Wrote legislation to reduce the 450ft perimeter to 150ft for bowhunters
- Initiated and made a reality the "hunt down" allowance for bowhunters to hunt with their bows during 6-Day Firearm season
- Instrumental in donating meals for local food banks and Hunters Helping the Hungry that equated to over 30,000 dinners
Join now by downloading an application form and mailing it in with your payment or via Paypal Online