About Us
Currently, President, John Erndl, leads the United Bowhunters of New Jersey. He and the dedicated Council Members of the UBNJ work tirelessly for the bowhunters of New Jersey.
Incorporated in 1974 as a nonprofit organization, the UBNJ encourages responsible bowhunting by protecting and expanding bowhunting opportunities in New Jersey, and by promoting fair chase hunting. The UBNJ supports, and participates in, improving sound wildlife conservation practices and the wise use of our State's renewable natural resources. The UBNJ acts in the best interest of our bowhunting heritage, and stands ready to defend our way of life against any threat. We belong to the New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs and work closely with them, the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance and the Division of Fish and Wildlife to "watchdog" the State Legislature. We fight to make sure that no laws are enacted that will hurt, hinder, or eliminate our access to the sport we all hold so dear to heart. We also work with State Legislators proposing legislation that is beneficial to bowhunters of the Garden State. We work closely with the NJSFSC and the Fish and Game Council in adopting, and changing New Jersey's Game Codes, striving to make gains for the bowhunters of New Jersey. Through our Deer Management Program we have opened lands to UBNJ bowhunters that were previously closed to all hunting. We have DM hunts running in Princeton Township, the Township of Mountain Lakes. The UBNJ was a very vocal supporter of the Monmouth County Park System hunt, attending every Freeholder's Meeting in support of the hunt. Many Townships and Municipalities have taken notice of our CBDMP and are interested in our "no cost" alternative in managing their deer populations. This could lead to even more hunting opportunities for UBNJ bowhunters, while saving taxpayers dollars. We are every bowhunter, and while not every bowhunter supports the UBNJ, we support all bowhunters. This web site was designed to be a one-stop source of information for current UBNJ members, as well as for those who are interested in becoming a member. Inside you will find information ranging from what the UBNJ is doing, to the dedication of our members in the fight to preserve our bowhunting heritage, to developments in the bowhunting community across the United States.